A Complete 11+ 
English Practice Exam

A full set of answers, a sample composition, video commentary and an example story.

To help your child become a more confident English exam student, excelling in the vital examination areas of comprehension, grammar 
and extended writing.

What's Different? How Will This Module Improve My Child's English Comprehension and Creative Writing?

My 'Jimmie's Fight' study module has the interesting theme of a brave little boy living in late 19th century New York. A poor but scrappy Irish lad named Jimmie finds himself battling for his survival against boys from the rival side of the street! 

My carefully-crafted learning modules are fully differentiated.  This enables students from average to high ability and those aged between 9 and 11 to all access it and learn from it in different ways. (Age 12+ retakers of the UK 11+  entrance exam will also find this module extremely helpful.)

 The module contains a range of tasks to suit and challenge different learners. Different elements of the module are created in audio, audio-visual and text format, meeting the learning needs of a range of students. The multiple-choice comprehension, grammar and language analysis sections give instant feedback scores AND proper explanations. Also included is my voiceover audio guide to the comprehension and creative writing answers, detailed examples, top tips and wider contextual information to help students really understand how that answer came to be the correct one or why that creative writing feature raised up the mark.

 Another HUGE benefit is that all my modules are replayable, enabling students to re-watch, recap and consolidate their learning.  They represent great value and should be seen as a mini learning module rather than a single exam paper.

Reason #1: 
There aren't enough rigorous practice papers available.  How is my child ever going to fully improve without more demanding resources?

Kids need more than a set of numbers to understand where and why they dropped marks in a practice exam paper.

Unlike an app, these modules have far more of the 'human touch', more detail, more subject-specific bonus features AND the advantage of a real teacher's commentary and guidance throughout. Very unusually, my modules really focus on practical writing skills in great depth, modelling planning, sample answers and giving audio guidance. As I actually created the module, you can be sure that the commentator knows what they're talking about! 

Reason #2: 
I tried to get my child a proper English tutor but they're all booked out, miles away or unqualified. How can I find someone reliable?

The continuing shortage of trained and experienced teachers and tutors means there's  a real place for quality self-contained and differentiated distance learning units to address learning gaps at speed and with a high level of expertise.
 There are alternatives to face-to-face tuition. We all dislike change - but change CAN bring benefits. I've worked online with initially reluctant students who then thrive on access to far more detailed materials, re-watchable lessons, re-editable document files and the creative multimedia aspects of online learning. For dyslexic or dysgraphic students, these modules are perfectly tailored towards the typed format many will adopt in their real exams. Give the modules a try!
Reason #3: 
This module gives YOUR child the opportunity to review, recap, revise and consolidate their knowledge.  
As these resources were designed by a professional teacher with many years of hands-on teaching experience, I know you'll be impressed by the quality and variety of these exam preparation modules.  The advantage of this tried-and-tested system is that I already know it works!  I helped a wide range of both existing long-term students AND newer students since March 2020 and throughout the pandemic.  They all improved.  After getting used to the nature of 'working from a screen', they 'got' it. 

Over 2020 and 2021, I  offered short online 'student boot camps' to really hone in on specific literacy issues such as creative writing skills. Both Summer 2020 and 2021 saw record numbers of students not only getting into their target schools; they were being invited back for scholarship interviews!  Others discovered they were the only one from their prep school getting through to the most over-subscribed schools, particularly at the 10+ entry point. 

So, yes:  young students CAN work at their own pace online, they can revise the materials AND complete tasks under timed conditions. They never cease to amaze me. I have seen them replay key elements until they know them inside out, test themselves and check their knowledge.  They CAN and DO get the most out of this very 21st century, flexible form of learning.  They've got this. When they SEE how far they've come, get those offers and more positive feedback from school - in a relatively short time - their confidence soars and there's no stopping them then! 

The digital module system is their educator, reinforcer, inspirer - even a study buddy.  I am so proud to have helped them - and you - in their journeys. Give the distance learning module a try!

BONUS MODULE 1: Contrasts and Juxtaposition explained 

In order for students to excel in their comprehension responses, they need to know a range of literary techniques. Whether it's answering in a sentence or selecting the right multiple-choice option, many questions ask students to identify less 'obvious' literary techniques. Contrasts and juxtaposition are a key creative feature which are often hard to identify, especially under timed conditions.  This bonus section explains to students what the techniques are, how to spot them and helps to raise their inferential mark.

BONUS MODULE 2:  Animalistic Metaphors explained

Another more complex literary technique is the themed metaphor, such as animalistic metaphors. Whether it's extended or a  multiple-choice question, many exam tasks ask students to identify these less 'obvious' literary techniques. This bonus explains how these metaphors  works in literature and enables students to identify them in unseen texts.  Noticing more sophisticated literary techniques and being able to discuss and infer from them are two great exam skills for the grammars and independent schools..

BONUS MODULE 3: Sensory Language explained  - plus supporting quiz questions 

So what exactly is sensory language?  Which is the hardest to spot in comprehensions and use in descriptions?  What about synaesthesia?  This thorough bonus section gives students an invaluable guide to these advanced literary devices,  giving your students the 'exam edge'.

BONUS MODULE 4: Symbolism explained -  plus supporting quiz questions 

Symbolism is a creative technique which is famously hard to understand because it works with colours, objects and even actions! In this bonus, I explain the feature in full and test students' understanding with a quick mini-quiz section.

BONUS MODULE 5:  Onomatopoeia explained - plus supporting quiz questions 
 What's that sound?  Is it...assonance, consonance or that nightmare-to-spell one:  onomatopoeia? Again, this module includes a  bonus section where I explain the feature in full and test students' understanding with a quick mini-quiz section.

BONUS MODULE 6: Emotive verb choices - plus supporting quiz questions 

Does your child know their adjectives from their adverbs? What about differentiating main verbs from  modal auxilliaries? 

There's nothing worse than losing marks because you identified a simple word by the wrong grammatical class. Adjectives and adverbs, for example, are frequently muddled up by younger children. 

This invaluable bonus section revises active and emotive verbs.  Emotive verbs add passion and depth to writing; spotting them in comprehension extracts is a great way to gain extra marks.

BONUS MODULE 7: Regional dialect plus supporting quiz questions 

What's the difference between accent and dialect?  It's no joke! Knowing what dialect is and what it tells us about the origins of the characters speaking it is another helpful edge your child can have in exams. 

This section is very popular with students, particularly those living close to London, where Standard English is widespread so they may be unaware of the rich variations of the English language. Most youngsters who are asked to define a dialectal word in an extract just leave it out! Recognising what that 'funny speech'  actually is and suggesting what it reveals about characters is another exam booster.

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Why do we need these 11+ digital learning modules anyway? What's wrong with just using a book or face-to-face coaching with a tutor face to face?

 Most good tutors have long waiting lists whereas the modules they have created are ready to be used at once. The demand for bespoke quality English tuition in the UK is ferocious! There are more students needing support than there are qualified experienced tutors to help.  It's particularly bad in the UK and is a growing global problem. 

One contributing factor is the commercialised nature of tuition agencies. There seem to be more tuition agencies these days than there are good tutors! They have to make a profit and charge both parent and tutor an extra 'cut' -  often an extra £20 per hour -  resulting in higher costs and more tutors who know they're worth much more simply 'going it alone' where the tuition fee all goes to them. This means that the better tutors might not always want to register with these agencies, creating even more demand, student dissatisfaction and a fair amount of chaos. Compared to five years ago, it's much harder for parents to search for the right tutor and easy to be fobbed off by the agency with an inexperienced tutor who doesn't have teaching or examining experience. Meanwhile, my waiting list grows longer and I wish I can help more kids than I physically can. 

The global pandemic is an added complication as it saw a colossal rise in the number of experienced fully qualified tutors moving online to coach children through Zoom and other related software. In 2022, many of us have got better at managing online learning; several students I work with definitely prefer it. There are benefits for both students and parents.  

However: not everyone feels that way!  This got me thinking about the best, most future-proof learning system which I could also use  - pandemic or not - to safeguard children's learning while they waited for a slot with me to free up. I discussed it after my lessons with the many students I coached all through 2020 and on through to 2021 and 2022. How could human interaction, feedback and support be included in remote learning? What would THEY like to see in online distance learning?  Top of the list was the chance for the work to be an independent unit with no 'add-ons', re-watchable,  interactive and ideally, have multimedia elements. By 2021, when I had a little more confidence with the tech and we had that short 'breather' over the summer, I realised that what was needed was a series of really high-quality online learning resources made by a professional teacher, not a tech company, by a teacher who knew the main exam systems, marking requirements and how the work done by students in year 6 would be developed forwards at secondary school. Someone who could see the big picture, understand how the modules fitted into English study as a whole and who cared about improving the students' English. 

Then I realised: that someone was me!

This detailed, differentiated guide meets this urgent need. I'm a qualified English teacher and examiner with 25+ years of experience so you can rest assured that this is a rigorous and challenging resource designed to challenge your child's reading, inferential, analytical, grammatical, planning, written, stylistic and editorial skills. (Plus I hope it's kinda fun in places as well!)

 'Jimmie's Fight' is more than a simple pair of past papers; it is over 5 hours of learning materials, including the hour of timed exam tasks if you want to sit the unit 'cold' under timed conditions.  If I was teaching this practice English paper in this much detail in a face-to-face format, it would take several weekly hour-long slots, so it represents great value at this price for a single user.  It has the advantage of continuous learning for the student at their level and pace and results so far have been great.  Boys respond particularly well to this format of intense pinpointed learning - supported by commentaries and the chance to replay and revise.

The unique structure enables students to acquire new knowledge and skills, listen to the teacher-led audio commentary and guidance on each section and test themselves in the multiple-choice section. Unlike many educational publishers, Hampton English Coaching offers students a full sample creative response with supporting audio comments and explanations, so students can see exactly what ingredients go into a top band creative composition, understanding the 'teacher's view' of the task.  I'm an experienced 11+ examiner and know how valuable this feedback can be. It's the pinnacle of the learning process.  Feedback secures student understanding.

I want your child to go into their English exam fully equipped. I want them to be confident with referring to literary terms, with their comprehension text reading and inferencing,  their language analysis, punctuation, story planning  - and their timed story writing.

Copyright 2016 - 2022 - Hampton English Coaching